
Sunday, 12 May 2013

Cool Math Trick

Secrets way to learn multiplication !!!!!!

Intro into Abacus

History of Mathematics

Primary Olympiad

About the Primary Olympiad

The Primary Olympiad consists of the English, Maths and Science Olympiads. It is a national level certification program and competition for young learners.

The English Olympiad focuses on spelling and grammar. Enrolled students receive a spelling book, a grammar book and a school dictionary (only for level 5) as preparatory materials. The Maths Olympiad focuses on arithmetic and geometry. Enrolled students receive a maths book, an activity book and a Mathematical dictionary (only for level 5) as preparatory materials. The Science Olympiad focuses on science and environmental studies. Enrolled students receive a science book and an environmental studies book as preparatory materials.

Preparation and Materials
Enrolled students receive Cambridge University Press books as program materials. The books are aligned with the school curriculum. Students can therefore use the provided books as additional practice material for topics in the school curriculum.

The competition has five levels. The Primary Olympiad is for young learners in standards 1 through 5. Standard 1 students enroll in Level 1, standard 2 students in Level 2 and so on.

Qualifying Rounds
The program culminates with a City-round written competition. Students qualifying in the City-round compete against each other in the National-round competition.

Registering for the Program
If your school is participating in the Primary Olympiad, then as a student you need to contact your class teacher. If your school is not a participating school, then please request the principal to get in touch with the organizers of the Primary Olympiad.

Multiplication Game


Rancangan Pengajaran Harian Matematik Tahun 2

Rancangan Pengajaran Harian Matematik Tahun 2 (3)

Subject                                               : Mathematics
Class                                                  : Year 2
Enrolment                                          : 12 pupils
Date (Day)                                         : 20/05/2011 (Friday)
Time                                                   : 9:30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.
Topic                                                  : 7 Shape and space
Learning Area                                  : 7.1 Three - dimensional shapes (3-D shapes) 
Learning Objective                          : Pupils will understand and use the vocabulary related 3-D  
Learning Outcomes                         : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
                                                              7.1.1 (iii) Label parts of three-dimensional shapes.
Previous Knowledge                       :  Pupils are able to Compare and sort three-
                                                              dimensional shapes according to properties.
Thinking Skills                                 : Comparing and contrasting Making Analogies,
                                                            Making conclusion
Inculcation of values                       : hardworkingCourage, Cooperative and helpful
Teaching Aids and Materials        : 3-D Models Projector, laptop, PowerPoint ,Concentrate  
                                                            Mahjong paper, Maker pen, Worksheet, Group Worksheet



Set Induction
(3 minutes)
Introducing the concept of the label 3-D shapes with showing the 3-D models.
     1.      Teacher shows 6 types 3-D models.

     2.      Teacher asks pupils to explore the 3-D models.

     3.      Teacher guides the pupils to state out the 3-D shapes have the 3 different parts.

     4.      Teacher introduce today’s topic.
Teaching Method       
3-D Models
Thinking Skills
Comparing and contrasting
Face, vertice, edge
Step 1
(7 minutes)

    ·         Teacher explains the parts of three-dimensional shapes.
     ·         Example:

     1.      Teacher will be introducing parts of the 3-D shapes through PowerPoint.

     2.      Teacher guides pupils’ state out all parts of 3-D shapes.

     3.      Pupils will be asked to answer the question and name the parts of 3-D shapes again.

     4.      Teacher asks pupils to label the parts all 3-D shapes.

     5.      Teacher corrects mistake of pupils.

Teaching Method       
Projector, laptop and PowerPoint
Edge, face, vertices, corner,
Cube, cuboid, pyramid, sphere, cylinder, cone
Moral Values

Step 2
(8 minutes)
Activity (drawing diagrams)

     1.      Teacher drawing 6 types 3-D shapes picture in the blackboard.

     2.      Teacher Label a parts of 3-D shapes and asks student to learn how to label the diagrams.

     3.      Teacher clears the label of 3-D shapes and asks pupil come out and tries labelling a part of 3-D shapes in blackboard.

     4.      Teacher corrects the mistake of the pupils.

Teaching Method       
Mahjong paper, maker pen
Thinking Skills
Making Analogies

Moral Values
Cooperative and helpful

Face, vertice, edge
Step 3
(10 minutes)
Group Activity (discussion)
Group Worksheet
Label a parts of 3-D shapes

     1.      Teacher begins the class activity with dividing the class into four groups

     2.      Teacher gives every group a worksheet and gives an introduction.

     3.      Teacher guides each group begin the group activity.

     4.      Every group choose a presenter do the presentation in front of the class.

Face, vertices, edge

(2 minutes)
Summary of the lesson (conclusion)
Label the parts of the shapes below.


     1.      Teacher guides student concludes the lessons.

     2.      Teacher gives the worksheet before the end of the lesson.

Teaching Method       

Moral Values

Thinking Skills
Making conclusion


Dua Perkara yang baik tentang pengajaran

Pengajaran ini dapat memberi konsep yang mudah tentang melukis bentuk 3D dan melabel bahagian bentuk 3D
Pengajaran ini dapat membantu murid melukis dan melabel bahagian daripada bentuk 3D dengan konsep yang mudah. Melalui langkah 2, murid diarahkan melukis bentuk 3D dan melabel bahagian bentuk 3D, guru memberi konsep yang mudah kepada murid untuk membantu murid melalui aktiviti di papan hitam. Pada mulanya, guru mengajar murid cara melukis 3D di papan hitam, selepas itu, guru menerapkan konsep cara melabel bahagian bentuk 3D. Akhirnya, murid diberi peluang untuk cuba melukis dan melabel bahagian bentuk 3D di papan hitam. Guru membetulkan kesilapan murid apabila mendapati murid melakukan kesalahan.

Pegajaran ini dapat memupuk semangat kerjasama antara.murid dengan murid.
            Pengajaran daripada RPH 3 ini dapat memupuk semangat kerjasama antara murid dengan murid. Semasa murid melakukan aktiviti kumpulan di langkah 3, murid akan diarahkan melabelkan bahagian bentuk 3D. Apabila aktiviti kumpulan dijalankan, mereka akan memilih 1 ketua kumpulan, dan ketua kumpulan akan membahagikan kerja kepada ahli kumpulan masing-masing. Sebagai contoh, murid A melabel bahagian bentuk kuboid manakala murid B melabel bahagian bentuk kubus. Semua ahli kumpulan akan bekerjasama menyelesaikan tugasan melabel bentuk 3d yang diberikan dalam masa yang ditetapkan. Guru menegaskan bahawa kerjasama antara ahli kumpulan adalah sangat penting semasa aktiviti kumpulan dijalankan.

Dua Perkara yang boleh dibaiki

ABM yang digunakan haruslah lebih teknologi dan berwarna-warni
Alat Bantu Mengajar yang digunakan kurang dan tidak dapat menarik perhatian murid, ABM yang disediakan dalam pengajaran 3 ini tidak menarik dan tidak berwarna-warni, hal ini akan menyebabkan murid berasa bosan apabila belajar di dalam kelas. Oleh itu, kita harus menyediakan ABM yang lebih berwarna-warni untuk menarik perhatian murid, agar semua murid dapat menumpu perhatian semasa proses P&P dijalankan.

Aktiviti terlalu banyak masa terlalu singkat
            Masa yang dirancang pada pengajaran 3 ini terlalu singkat, kita telah merancang banyak aktiviti dalam RPH ini, oleh itu, aktiviti pengajaran haruslah dijalankan dengan secepat mungkin, dan aktivit yang makan masa panjang haruslah dikurangkan agar dapat menyelesaikan semua aktiviti dalam masa yang dijangkakan.

Cara yang boleh dibaiki
            Cara yang boleh dibaiki ialah menyediakann ABM yang lebih menarik dan berwarna-warni untuk menarik perhatian murid, dan merancang aktiviti P&P dengan mengambilkira masa dengan tepat agar proses P&P dapat dilaksanakan dengan lebih berkesan. Objektif yang harus disampaikan dapat dicapaikan selepas proses P&P.

Improving maths through Chess

First of all, Math provides the building blocks and foundation that children will need throughout their lives. If you think that the basics are adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing - think again! Today, we live in an information age where it's reported that information is doubling at a rate less than every two years. The basic skills need to function in the workplace today are decision making, problem solving, critical thinking and deductive and inductive reasoning along with the ability to make judgements and good estimates. We haven't loved math but we've certainly loved our games. That's when Chess comes into the picture.
Chess is a game that requires problem solving. Math requires problem solving, it makes good sense then to become a good problem solver means you'll do better in math. Chess (and other games) require a mental workout, thinking ahead, planning, being systematic, and determining the outcomes of certain moves. Chess moves can't be memorized, weakness in math often stems from an over emphasis on memory skills instead of thinking skills. Research studies have indicated that students playing chess have improved problem solving skills over the group that have not been involved in the playing of chess. Ollie LaFreniere, the Washington Chess Federation's statewide Coordinator for Scholastic Chess, said in a Seattle Post-Intelligencer interview on May 31, "Chess is the single most powerful educational tool we have at the moment, and many school administrators are realizing that." There are also studies that indicate that many students' social habits improved when playing chess.
The late Faneuil Adams (president of the American Chess Foundation (ACF). believed that chess could enhance learning, especially for the disadvantaged. He with the ACF founded the Chess in Schools Program which initially began in New York's Harlem School district. Early in the program, the focus was on improving math skills for adolescents through improved critical thinking and problem solving skills. Remarkably "test scores improved by 17.3% for students regularly engaged in chess classes, compared with only 4.56% for children participating in other forms of enriched activities."
The ACF reports that chess improves a Child's:
Visual memory
Attention span
Spatial reasoning skills
Capacity to predict and anticipate consequences
Ability to use criteria to drive decision making and evaluate alternatives
Many countries are following suit. In Canada, a growing number of elementary schools have incorporated chess into the regular school curriculum. Looking specifically at Quebec, 10 years ago their math scores were the lowest in the country, Chess became a school subject and now the children in quebec have the highest average math scores in Canada.
Overcoming Math Phobia through Chess
Why is it when we ask the majority of people what they think of math or if they're good at math, they immediately show a look of distaste? Think of what happens when a group of people are at a restaurant and the bill comes on one check instead of on separate checks. Usually, you'll hear 'here, you figure it out, I was never any good at math.' I'm sure you've been in this situation yourself at times. However, do they ever say, here you figure it out - I can't read. When we take a look at why people don't like math, we're told it's because it makes them feel stupid, or that they just don't understand it because there are too many rules, formulas and procedures to remember. But, can you think of a situation where there are rules, procedures and such that we enjoy? Games!!! Perhaps if our math instructors treated math like a game, more individuals would excel and would like mathematics. A more favorable attitude in math leads to better performance. Let chess pave the way to better math scores and improved problem solving strategies!



Multiplication Worksheets


Friday, 10 May 2013

Mercury(II) thiocyanate decomposition

Caesium in Water!!!!

Human Calculator

Addition Games For Children

Math Games Add Up To Fun

Got Addition Games for Children?  How about some fun Magic Addition Circles.  The kiddos will enjoy this addition activity and build their addition and logical thinking skills at the same time!
addition games for children
See the magic circle to the right.  Thethree numbers on each straight line add up to the same sum - 10.   Pretty Cool huh!
Why Use Magic Circles
  • Kids have fun with them
  • They help kids Build Addition skills
  • They help kids Build Critical Thinking Skills 
  • They can be tailored to each student's Skill Level
Make up your own.  Then let your students figure out the missing numbers.  You know what level your students are at, right - so you can create the magic circles to cater to what each student needs.
Let students make up their own.  What I've found that really works well with kids is when they take part in making up problems or puzzles themselves.  It helps their thinking process.
Magic circles can be as easy or as difficult as you need.  Check this one on the left out  -  Each straight line adds up to 38.
I've created some blank magic circles for you to print so your kids can try their hand at it.
I'm going to add some more magic circle ideas for addition in next couple of days, so come on back!
If you have any favorite addition games you think children would enjoy feel free to share with our visitors. Just go to the contact us link on the left and explain your game.  We will review it and if appropriate put it on our contributors page and acknowledge you as well. Thanks.

World's Most Hardest Maths Problems

What is the Most Difficult Math Problem in the World?

There are two maths problems in the world that have received a lot of recognition and attention because they have remained unsolved for several years. While Riemann's Hypothesis still remains unsolved, Fermat's theorem which is one of the hardest math problems in the world, was solved only in 1995. Though difficult to understand, we will try and explain these two problems in the next section.

Riemann's Hypothesis
Put forward by Bernhard Riemann in 1859, the Riemann's Hypothesis is widely considered the most difficult math problem in the world. Riemann took forward the Euler's zeta function to all complex numbers barring s =1. On studying this further, Riemann realized that the zeta function had trivial zeros at -2, -4, -6, etc. and all non-trivial zeros were symmetric where the line Re(s) = ½. This led him to put forward the hypothesis that all non-trivial zeros are on the line Re(s) = ½. The Riemann hypothesis is stated as below.

The real part of any non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function is ½, and thus, the non-trivial zeros should lie on the critical line, ½ + it where i is an imaginary unit and it is a real number.

Fermat's Theorem
Fermat's theorem or Fermat's Last Theorem as it is known, was put forward by Pierre de Fermat in 1637. After several years of many mathematicians, trying to prove the theorem, it was solved after more than three hundred years in 1995. Fermat's theorem is stated as below.

No three positive integers a, b, and c can prove the equation an + bn = cn, for any integer n, whose value is greater than 2.

While this theorem was proved for the integer case n=4 before Fermat's theorem was proposed, over the next two hundred years, the theorem was proven for the prime numbers 3, 5, and 7. The theorem was over the years proved for all prime numbers less than 100 and for regular primes. It was in 1984 that Gerhard Frey proposed that the theorem could be proved using the modularity conjecture. Andrew Wiles successfully proved the Fermat's Last Theorem in 1995, with the assistance of Richard Taylor.

Fermat's Last Theorem was published only after his death, as when he was alive, Fermat, an amateur mathematician refused to publish any of his work. In fact, the theorem was scrawled on the margins of one of his books and found later by his son. Along with the yet unproven Riemann's hypothesis, Fermat's last theorem is without doubt the hardest math problem in the world.

Both these theorems have achieved cult popularity in mathematical circles, seeping into popular culture with mentions in bestselling books like the Millennium Trilogy by Steig Larrson and series like Simpsons, Numb3rs, and Law and Order. So what if mere mortals like us cannot harbor any hopes of solving the hardest mathematics problem in the world, we can at least look intelligent while mentions are made. Like Bertrand Russel once said, "Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true."